Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Happs

Where I have been? What's the happs? How's life? Questions you may be wondering about this lil' ole bloggette, and answers are what I'm givin' ya today! 

Things have been on pause with crafting and modeling my outfits becauuuussseeeeeee...

I've been taking care of my poor sick pup since we came home from Spring Break!

I'm getting ready to take off to present at our big annual conference in Houston, TX! Ms. Audrey was nice enough to get these fancy pants business cards designed and ready to take with me and help network! I'm presenting on my dissertation, and will be surrounded by all different professionals in my field... what more can I ask for?! 

Oh yea... WE'RE MOVING!! I started to tell you about it a few months ago (here)... More deets to come, but in a nutshell, we're starting a new chapter in life that I'm beyond blessed and so excited about!

I still have some catching up to do with my blog reading, but don't worry... you all are heavily on my mind and I love getting to see snippets on Twitter, IG and FB!


Jess said...

I've been thinking about you, girl!
Good luck with everything - the move, the trip, your sick pup...prayers your way :)


Molly said...

Sick puppies are the worst! I hope that everything goes well with the move and all.

henning love said...

ooh catch me up for sure!! moving, where to?? sick puppy how is your dog feeling now? better i hope!

henning love said...

ooh catch me up for sure!! moving, where to?? sick puppy how is your dog feeling now? better i hope!

Niki {Glossy Blonde} said...

Ohhhh I hope your pup feels better! :(. That's exciting that you're moving - I can't wait to hear more!

Amy said...

Poor puppy! Is he feeling better now?
LOVE the new business cards
AND moving!! EEEKKK so exciting!

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